via geminithecat, this intriguing (and grainy) Super8 film shot in Christmas 1967 has shots of Saskatchwan Drive looking over to Downtown Edmonton before making it's way through The Legislature, Jasper Avenue going eastbound to 100th Street, showing shots of the then-new CN Tower and City Hall.
The real mystery is in the last section of the video where there are shots of what seems to be a family-owned bakery, with shots of the kitchen and counters out front, with business going briskly. A commentator on the link has apparently pinpointed it as the Hazeldean Bakery based on the storefront; any ideas?
The real mystery is in the last section of the video where there are shots of what seems to be a family-owned bakery, with shots of the kitchen and counters out front, with business going briskly. A commentator on the link has apparently pinpointed it as the Hazeldean Bakery based on the storefront; any ideas?
Sweet! Love the music.